

Thank you for spending some time on the telephone with me and I am looking forward to our interview.  This is an awesome, big step forward in RECRUIT2retail AUSTRALIA assisting you to secure a fantastic new role.

Now that we have progressed to this stage, below are some notes that will make our partnership highly effective:

  • You have my total commitment to be open and honest with you. The more open and honest you are with me, the better service I can provide

  • I will treat your job search with the highest level of confidentiality.  I will never discuss your details or submit your resume to anyone without your permission

  • Sometimes, I am unable to disclose the retailer and the role that I am recruiting for, until after our interview and when I have determined there is a good match

  • Once I have disclosed with you who I am recruiting for, within reason, I ask that you don’t share this information with others

  • Please share with me the companies you would work for, so with your permission, I can target those companies when I am marketing your resume

  • If you are considering another opportunity now or during our process, please let me know

  • If you are only interested in more money, I advise you to meet with your current employer prior to going on interviews. You don’t want to jeopardize your career path by accepting a counteroffer

  • It is important that I know what salary and benefit package you will accept so I can consider you for appropriately paid roles

  • If after our interview your priorities change, please let me know.  Priorities include things like: salary expectations, location preferences, employment status, availability to start a new role, who you would and would not work for, or that you have accepted a new role via another source

  • If you leave me a voice message or send me an email or SMS, I will do my very best to get back in contact with you on the same business day, even if it is after normal business hours.  If I leave you a voice message or send you an email or SMS, I need to know that you will do your very best to get back in touch with me on the same business day, even if it is after normal business hours

  • I will be asking you where your interest level is from time to time, so I want you to be thinking about that as you go through the interview process.  If your interest level ever wanes throughout the process, let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, it is imperative that you bring them to my attention immediately

  • Realize I have inside information on each of my clients that I will share with you prior to the interview so that you have a competitive edge.  I need you to make yourself available for this pre-interview preparation

  • When in doubt, please agree to go on the interview.  Often it takes your feedback after an interview, to help me fine-tune my search

  • After each interview, I need you to contact me so I can get your specific feedback and also so I can take my direction from you

  • Before an unconditional job offer is made, I will need to conduct 2 business references. Please start thinking about who these references are

  • As you progress through the recruitment process, you will be sent requests to rate the process.  It would be great if you could complete these surveys as your feedback is very important to me

Thanks again, and I look forward to our interview.